Why Do Chefs Use Wooden Chopping Boards?

Wooden boards are a popular option in the general public in their kitchens, and also in professional kitchens.

Here Is Why Chefs Do Use Wooden Chopping Boards:

Yes they do use Wooden boards but they also use plastic too.

In the instance where a chef is chopping meat they may choose plastic instead as it is easier to dish wash (as meat can put bacteria into a wooden board). But most of the time wooden boards are used.

Today we will discuss Chopping Boards and what chefs use in the kitchen, what restaurants use, and our recommendations for you. Enjoy reading.

Why Do Chefs Use Wooden Chopping Boards?

No matter what type of cuisine you are cooking, a chef’s most essential tool is a chopping board.

Chopping boards come in all shapes and sizes, but the type that is most commonly used by chefs is the wooden chopping board. So why do chefs use wooden chopping boards instead of plastic or metal?

Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of using wood.

If you’re a chef without a wooden chopping board, here are other five reasons you need to get one, including:

1. They Are More Durable Than Plastic Chopping Boards

Wooden chopping boards can handle being thrown around a kitchen, whereas plastic cracks or break when it gets dropped.

A study conducted by the Washington University of St. Louis School of Medicine found that using wooden cutting boards reduces the risk of cross-contamination in kitchens and in households where people prepare food for others.

2. They Don’t Dull Knives

Knives and cutting boards go hand-in-hand with cooking. However, plastic can dull a knife over time, whereas wood has the tendency to sharpen them.

Wood is less likely to harbour microorganisms than plastic because of its porous nature, which can attract bacteria.

Bacteria love to form colonies in dark, moist places, so if food particles may remain on the surface of the plastic chopping board, they can grow into large colonies that are difficult to clean effectively.

3. They Have a More Pleasant Texture Than Plastic

When you are chopping vegetables or meats, there is nothing more satisfying than feeling the texture of your food. Wood has a pleasant feeling that allows for better traction between your hands and the things you are chopping.

4. They Can Get Disinfected More Effectively Than Plastic

Wooden boards allow for better sanitation in your kitchen because they can get treated with a disinfectant.

Although both wood and plastic boards can become contaminated, the porous nature of wood makes it easier to kill bacteria using an antibacterial agent. Plastic is less flexible and more difficult to clean thoroughly.

5. They Are a Renewable Resource

The best part about wooden cutting boards is that you’re not limited to using them for cutting. They are multi-purpose tools that can get used for serving food, prepping ingredients, and even decoration when they aren’t in use.

Instead of purchasing a new plastic chopping board every time you need to replace one, why not invest your money in environmentally friendly products made with renewable resources?

Do Chefs Use Wood or Plastic Cutting Boards?

Chefs use both as cutting boards. However, using either wood or plastic cutting boards get determined by the chef’s need. Here are things that may help you know more about these cutting boards:

Wooden Cutting Boards

Wooden cutting boards get considered more aesthetically pleasing than plastic and can get personalized to fit a kitchen’s decor.

Proponents of wooden cutting boards also say that wood contains an antibacterial compound that makes it safer than plastic, but research is inconclusive.

The Food and Drug Administration does not advocate using wood cutting boards over plastic. Wooden cutting boards must be hand-washed to avoid splitting or warping.

Splitting, warping and staining are problems with wooden cutting boards. Here is a good article on wooden chopping boards and warping.

They also need to be resurfaced periodically by sanding the surface at least once a year unless they get made of bamboo, which needs less maintenance. Bacteria can get into the wood grain and be very difficult to remove.

Plastic Cutting Board

Plastic is more resilient than wood and can withstand repeated dishwashing, so plastic boards are good for commercial kitchens where they will see heavy use.

They are easier to sanitize, are less likely to harbor bacteria, do not need resurfacing, and are more affordable.

Some plastic cutting boards warp over time, eventually splitting along the warped section. Grooves in plastic can harbor bacteria if they get not frequently cleaned. Some plastics contain phthalates that could pose health risks if ingested.

Why Do Restaurants Not Use Cutting Boards?

Cutting boards are very useful in the home, but most restaurants use flat -top stoves to cook their food. Here are reasons most restaurants may not use cutting boards:

• Most chefs would not want to use cutting boards, because they can’t get cleaned well enough for restaurant use. It is possible to deep clean a cutting board, but most people don’t do this often enough, if they’re the only cutting board in a household.

• The flat-top stove is much easier to clean, and won’t allow bacteria from foods to be transferred between different food items.

• Many types of bacteria live at the edge between where the top surface of a cutting board meets its non-flat side. The common round shape makes it difficult to clean this area. The flat surface of a stovetop is very easy to clean and sanitize compared with a cutting board.

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